Drug’s fight of D. Trump

Trump’s official election platform says that when he takes office he will order the Pentagon to use “special forces, cyber warfare, and other covert and overt actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations.”
Reuters, Dec. 22. 2024

Probably it’s too earlier to make conclusions of D.Trump’s future “Make America less drugs” fight but most of the words pronounced so far indicate that some images of Iron Man / Superman crashing narco-syndicate production facilities are prevailing in the his and his supporters minds. Just imagine tons of cocaine and amphetamine are blasted by a superhero mixing in the air with bad guys (primarily evil workers of those factories).

Next scenes probably should show relieved from addiction happy faces of Americans who don’t need to pay thousands for drugs like Matt Gaetz have done as per U.S. House ethics committee released report and now they are “almost always” sober during their late-night — or, in some cases, very early morning — posting sessions on the Elon Musk’s social media platform X, just using medication ketamine.

Reality is much worse as usual. According to NCDAS org – “among Americans aged 12 years and older, 37.309 million were current illegal drug users (used within the last 30 days) as of 2020”. Those are consumers but there is also a wide spread distribution network within North America reliably delivering requested substances meeting various demands. How many we need to add to 37?

Is the real head of this Drugs Dragon in the narcotic’s providers like Mexico or China?

Or, it forms from the “heads” of those 37+ million who don’t see the valid reasons of not using drugs, especially when almost each Hollywood movie portraits some nice boys and girls inhaling, swallowing and injecting different kinds of “shit”. Sure, movies, as any art, reflect our life and environment. It is absurd to see polite and nice speaking gangs on the screens but why so many not related to the real life “happy ends”? Why so many sympathy to the criminals of different kinds? Why nice obituaries about those who died from drugs without earnest words that a person was just a junky, spreading drugs disease around to those who were younger and vulnerable to a person’s influence?

Hope that some thorough thoughts had come to D. Trump about the drugs disaster when he said for the first time on Sunday, Dec 22, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona that he would launch “a new anti-drug advertising campaign to show the physical impact of taking drugs like fentanyl” (Reuters) in addition of just repeating his threat to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations.

Why, in such case, do not designate drugs’ dealers and sellers as the murderers, whom they really are while slowly killing the personality and the soul of the addicts?